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Come usare vi per modificare un comando nel terminale su Linux?

Se stai usando bash, prova edit-and-execute-command comando. Per impostazione predefinita, questo è assegnato a Ctrl-x Ctrl-e (digita ctrl-x, quindi ctrl-e).

Questo dovrebbe aprire qualunque editor sia specificato nel tuo ambiente. Tutto ciò che è nel buffer quando esci verrà eseguito nella shell, inclusi i comandi su più righe.

Se stai usando zsh il comando di shell si chiama edit-command-line . Non è vincolato per impostazione predefinita, quindi aggiungi qualcosa di simile alla tua configurazione:

bindkey "^X^E" edit-command-line

Adesso Ctrl+x Ctrl+e funzionerà allo stesso modo di bash tranne per il fatto che il comando non viene eseguito prima di Return è colpito.

Puoi impostando la modalità di modifica vi. Se stai usando bash, puoi inserire quanto segue o inserirlo nei file di configurazione della shell:

set -o vi

È quindi possibile, proprio come in vi, utilizzare la modalità di comando e la modalità di inserimento.

Quando un comando è già sulla riga (richiamato premendo il tasto freccia su, CTRL-R , fzf , ecc.), un comando utile è v quando è in modalità normale sulla shell, perché avvierà l'editor predefinito per modificare il comando.

Un cheat sheet da questo succo:

|                                                                           |
|                          Readline VI Editing Mode                         |
|                     Default Keyboard Shortcuts for Bash                   |
|                               Cheat Sheet                                 |
|                                                                           |
| Peteris Krumins ([email protected]), 2008.01.08                          |
|  -  good coders code, great reuse                 |
|                                                                           |
| Released under the GNU Free Document License                              |

 ======================== Keyboard Shortcut Summary ========================

|              |                                                            |
| Shortcut     | Description                                                |
|              |                                                            |
| Switching to COMMAND Mode:                                                |
| ESC          | Switch to command mode.                                    |
| Commands for Entering INPUT Mode:                                         |
| i            | Insert before cursor.                                      |
| a            | Insert after cursor.                                       |
| I            | Insert at the beginning of line.                           |
| A            | Insert at the end of line.                                 |
| c<mov. comm> | Change text of a movement command <mov. comm> (see below). |
| C            | Change text to the end of line (equivalent to c$).         |
| cc or S      | Change current line (equivalent to 0c$).                   |
| s            | Delete a single character under the cursor and enter input |
|              | mode (equivalent to c[SPACE]).                             |
| r            | Replaces a single character under the cursor (without      |
|              | leaving command mode).                                     |
| R            | Replaces characters under cursor.                          |
| v            | Edit (and execute) the current command in the text editor. |
|              | (an editor defined in $VISUAL or $EDITOR variables, or vi  |
| Basic Movement Commands (in command mode):                                |
| h            | Move one character right.                                  |
| l            | Move one character left.                                   |
| w            | Move one word or token right.                              |
| b            | Move one word or token left.                               |
| W            | Move one non-blank word right.                             |
| B            | Move one non-blank word left.                              |
| e            | Move to the end of the current word.                       |
| E            | Move to the end of the current non-blank word.             |
| 0            | Move to the beginning of line                              |
| ^            | Move to the first non-blank character of line.             |
| $            | Move to the end of line.                                   |
| %            | Move to the corresponding opening/closing bracket.         |
| Character Finding Commands (these are also Movement Commands):            |
| fc           | Move right to the next occurance of char c.                |
| Fc           | Move left to the previous occurance of c.                  |
| tc           | Move right to the next occurance of c, then one char       |
|              | backward.                                                  |
| Tc           | Move left to the previous occurance of c, then one char    |
|              | forward.                                                   |
| ;            | Redo the last character finding command.                   |
| ,            | Redo the last character finding command in opposite        |
|              | direction.                                                 |
| |            | Move to the n-th column (you may specify the argument n by |
|              | typing it on number keys, for example, 20|)                |
| Deletion Commands:                                                        |
| x            | Delete a single character under the cursor.                |
| X            | Delete a character before the cursor.                      |
| d<mov. comm> | Delete text of a movement command <mov. comm> (see above). |
| D            | Delete to the end of the line (equivalent to d$).          |
| dd           | Delete current line (equivalent to 0d$).                   |
| CTRL-w       | Delete the previous word.                                  |
| CTRL-u       | Delete from the cursor to the beginning of line.           |
| Undo, Redo and Copy/Paste Commands:                                       |
| u            | Undo previous text modification.                           |
| U            | Undo all previous text modifications.                      |
| .            | Redo the last text modification.                           |
| y<mov. comm> | Yank a movement into buffer (copy).                        |
| yy           | Yank the whole line.                                       |
| p            | Insert the yanked text at the cursor.                      |
| P            | Insert the yanked text before the cursor.                  |
| Commands for Command History:                                             |
| k            | Move backward one command in history.                      |
| j            | Move forward one command in history.                       |
| G            | Move to history line N (for example, 15G).                 |
| /string or   | Search history backward for a command matching string.     |
| CTRL-r       |                                                            |
| ?string or   | Search history forward for a command matching string.      |
| CTRL-s       | (Note that on most machines Ctrl-s STOPS the terminal      |
|              | output, change it with `stty' (Ctrl-q to resume)).         |
| n            | Repeat search in the same direction as previous.           |
| N            | Repeat search in the opposite direction as previous.       |
| Completion commands:                                                      |
| TAB or = or  | List all possible completions.                             |
| CTRL-i       |                                                            |
| *            | Insert all possible completions.                           |
| Miscellaneous commands:                                                   |
| ~            | Invert case of the character under cursor and move a       |
|              | character right.                                           |
| #            | Prepend '#' (comment character) to the line and send it to |
|              | the history.                                               |
| _            | Inserts the n-th word of the previous command in the       |
|              | current line.                                              |
| 0, 1, 2, ... | Sets the numeric argument.                                 |
| CTRL-v       | Insert a character literally (quoted insert).              |
| CTRL-r       | Transpose (exchange) two characters.                       |


| Peteris Krumins ([email protected]), 2008.01.08.                         |
|  -  good coders code, great reuse                 | 
|                                                                           |
| Released under the GNU Free Document License                              |

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