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Installazione di Ngrok in Ubuntu 12.04?

Avendo problemi con l'installazione di ngrok in Ubuntu, sono andato su e l'ho scaricato per Ubuntu ma fornisce sempre un file binario che non ci consente di eseguire in Ubuntu, qualcuno può suggerire un altro modo per installarlo.

Risposta accettata:

Per installare la versione a 32 bit:


Dopo di che


e vedrai questo, testato sul mio sistema a 32 bit.

   ngrok - tunnel local ports to public URLs and inspect traffic

    ngrok exposes local networked services behinds NATs and firewalls to the
    public internet over a secure tunnel. Share local websites, build/test
    webhook consumers and self-host personal services.
    Detailed help for each command is available with 'ngrok help <command>'.
    Open http://localhost:4040 for ngrok's web interface to inspect traffic.

    ngrok http 80                    # secure public URL for port 80 web server
    ngrok http -subdomain=baz 8080   # port 8080 available at
    ngrok http            # tunnel to host:port instead of localhost
    ngrok tcp 22                     # tunnel arbitrary TCP traffic to port 22
    ngrok tls 443  # TLS traffic for to port 443
    ngrok start foo bar baz          # start tunnels from the configuration file


  inconshreveable - <[email protected]>

   authtoken    save authtoken to configuration file
   credits  prints author and licensing information
   http     start an HTTP tunnel
   start    start tunnels by name from the configuration file
   tcp      start a TCP tunnel
   test     test ngrok service end-to-end
   tls      start a TLS tunnel
   update   update to the latest version
   version  print the version string
   help     Shows a list of commands or help for one command

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