Versione 2.0
Autore:Srijan Kishore
Questo tutorial ti aiuterà a recuperare i dati dai dati eliminati accidentalmente dai file system Linux. Questo è un errore molto drastico da parte di qualsiasi utente/amministratore che costa enormi sanzioni. Questo script sarà un vantaggio per i principianti/esperti nella gestione dei dati. Userò TestDisk per il recupero dei dati. Qui ho semplificato il compito con l'aiuto di uno script.
1. Sfondo
TestDisk è un potente software gratuito di recupero dati. Supponiamo di avere un'unità ext3/ext4 che si è arrestata in modo anomalo/cancellato con rm -rf o shift+delete come i comandi, con l'aiuto di TestDisk puoi recuperare i dati/file.TestDisk può essere usato per
- Correggi la tabella delle partizioni
- Ripristina file da partizioni FAT, exFAT, NTFS e ext2/ext3/ext4
Oltre a queste funzioni, TesdDisk ha diverse funzionalità per la manutenzione/gestione dei dati
2. Requisito
Sto usando CentOS su cui installerò TestDisk e implementerò lo script di recupero dati su un'unità bloccata. Questo script funziona bene con CentOS/Fedora/Redhat. Anche se accade che uno qualsiasi dei dischi rigidi venga eliminato, è sufficiente collegare il disco rigido con la macchina CentOS ed eseguire lo script per recuperare i dati.3. copione
#!/bin/bash ####################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################### ###### ####### ###### ####### ###### This script will help you to recover the accidentally ####### ###### deleted data from crashed linux file systems ####### ###### Version-2 ####### ###### Script created by (Srijan Kishore) ####### ###### ####### ###### ####### ####################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################### # User Check if [ "$USER" = 'root' ] then whiptail --title "User check" --msgbox "User is root, you can execute the script successfully." 8 78 echo "User is root, you can execute the script successfully" else whiptail --title "User check" --msgbox "User is not Root. Please run the script as root user." 8 78 echo "User is not Root. Please run the script as root user." exit 1 fi # Check your operating system cat /etc/redhat-release >> /dev/null if [ "$?" = 0 ] then whiptail --title "Your OS" --msgbox "You are using CentOS/Redhat/Fedora" 8 78 echo "You are using CentOS/Redhat/Fedora" else whiptail --title "Your OS" --msgbox "You are not using CentOS/Redhat/Fedora.You can download the TestDisk from this link" 8 78 echo "You are not using CentOS/Redhat/Fedora.You can download the TestDisk from this link" exit 1 fi #adding repo ver=`cat /etc/redhat-release | cut -d " " -f3 | cut -d "." -f1` ls -l /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge* if [ "$?" != 0 ] then whiptail --title "Repository requirement" --msgbox "You need to add rpmforge repository to install testdisk" 8 78 if [[ `uname -i` = 'i386' && $ver = 6 ]] then echo "you are running i386 with 6 version" yum install -y fi if [[ `uname -i` = 'x86_64' && $ver = 6 ]] then echo "you are running i386 with 6 version" yum install -y fi if [[ `uname -i` = 'i386' && $ver = 5 ]] then echo "you are running i386 with 5 version" yum install -y fi if [[ `uname -i` = 'x86_64' && $ver = 5 ]] then echo "you are running x86_64 with 5 version" yum install -y fi if [[ `uname -i` = 'x86_64' && $ver = 4 ]] then echo "you are running i386 with 4 version" yum install -y fi if [[ `uname -i` = 'x86_64' && $ver = 4 ]] then echo "you are running x86_64 with 4 version" yum install -y fi else whiptail --title "Repository requirement" --msgbox "You already have TestDisk repos configured" 8 78 echo "You already have TestDisk repos configured" fi # TestDisk installation testdisk --version >> /dev/null if [ "$?" = 0 ] then whiptail --title "Info" --msgbox "Testdisk already installed" 8 78 echo "Testdisk already installed" else whiptail --title "Info" --msgbox "Testdisk not installed, installing Testdisk" 8 78 echo "Testdisk not installed, installing Testdisk" yum install -y testdisk fi #Recovery part of deleted files ls -l /root/result/lostfiles if [ $? != 0 ] then mkdir -p /root/result/lostfiles whiptail --title "Data recovery" --msgbox "You are proceeding towards recovering the data from the lost drive. Please select the affected drive to get the data recovered" 8 78 photorec /d /root/result/lostfiles else whiptail --title "Folder Exists" --msgbox "There is already an existing folder viz /root/result/lostfiles, you are adviced to rename/remove the folder to allow the data recovery process" 8 78 exit 2 fi #File filtering user=`ps aux | grep gnome-session | grep -v grep | head -1 | cut -d " " -f1` mkdir "/home/recovered_output" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Debians" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/rpms" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/conf_files" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/exe" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/binaries" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Docs" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Pdfs" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Mbox" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Images" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Videos" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Sound" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/ISO" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Excel" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Presentation" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Archives" mkdir "/home/recovered_output/Others" #Sorting the Recovered data find /root/result/ -name "*.doc" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Docs/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.docx" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Docs/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.odt" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Docs/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.pdf" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Pdfs/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.mbox" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Mbox/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.png" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Images/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.jpg" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Images/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.jpeg" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Images/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.gif" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Images/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.avi" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.mpeg" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.mp4" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.mkv" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.webm" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.wmv" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.flv" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Videos/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.mp3" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Sound/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.wav" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Sound/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.deb" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Debians/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.bin" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/binaries/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.exe" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/exe/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.rpm" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/rpms/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.conf" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/conf_files" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.iso" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/ISO/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.xls" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Excel/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.xlsx" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Excel/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.csv" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Excel/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.ods" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Excel/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.ppt" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Presentation/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.pptx" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Presentation/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.odp" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Presentation/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.html" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.htm" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.jsp" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.xml" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.css" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.js" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Web_Files/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.zip" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.tar" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.rar" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.gzip" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.tar.gz" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.7z" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.bz" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives/" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.bz2" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Archives" \; find /root/result/ -name "*.*" -type f -exec mv {} "/home/recovered_output/Others/" \; #Finalization whiptail --title "Congratulations" --msgbox "You have successfully recovered your data in folder /home/recovered_output cheers :)" 8 78 echo "You have successfully recovered your data in folder /home/recovered_output cheers :)" exit 0
4. Esecuzione dello script
Copia semplicemente lo script sopra e incollalo nel file vale a dire. e dai i permessi di esecuzione allo script.
chmod +x
Nota:eseguire lo script con root utilizzando il comando
su - #### Inserisci la tua password di root##########
Esegui lo script e ti guiderà ulteriormente.
5. Finalizzazione
In primo luogo, lo script confermerà che l'utente che esegue lo script è root, quindi verificherà l'installazione dello strumento TestDisk che include l'aggiunta automatica del repository. Ti reindirizzerà alla pagina di selezione dell'unità per il recupero dei dati.

Controllerà il tuo sistema operativo.

Lo script verificherà e aggiungerà automaticamente il repository richiesto per TestDisk.

Lo script verificherà l'installazione del TestDisk.

Seleziona l'unità che desideri recuperare.

Dopo il completamento del processo, esci dallo schermo.

Ciao per aver recuperato i tuoi dati.