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Qual è la sintassi corretta di find -exec

Soluzione 1:

Puoi utilizzare uno qualsiasi dei moduli:

find . -size +2M -exec rm {} +

find . -size +2M -exec rm {} \;

Il punto e virgola dovrebbe essere sfuggito!

Soluzione 2:

-exec rm {} \;

puoi usare.. man find

-exec command ;
              Execute command; true if 0 status is returned.  All following arguments to find are taken to be arguments to the  command  until
              an  argument  consisting of `;' is encountered.  The string `{}' is replaced by the current file name being processed everywhere
              it occurs in the arguments to the command, not just in arguments where it is alone, as in some versions of find.  Both of  these
              constructions  might  need  to  be escaped (with a `\') or quoted to protect them from expansion by the shell.  See the EXAMPLES
              section for examples of the use of the -exec option.  The specified command is run once for each matched file.  The  command  is
              executed  in  the  starting directory.   There are unavoidable security problems surrounding use of the -exec action; you should
              use the -execdir option instead.

       -exec command {} +
              This variant of the -exec action runs the specified command on the selected files, but the command line is  built  by  appending
              each  selected file name at the end; the total number of invocations of the command will be much less than the number of matched
              files.  The command line is built in much the same way that xargs builds its command  lines.   Only  one  instance  of  `{}'  is
              allowed within the command.  The command is executed in the starting directory.

Soluzione 3:

Per motivi di efficienza, di solito è meglio usare xargs:

$ find /path/to/files -size +2M -print0 | xargs -0 rm

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