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esci da tutte le connessioni SSH con un solo comando e chiudi PuTTY

Prova a utilizzare il ssh sequenza di escape della terminazione della connessione.

Nel ssh sessione, inserisci ~. (punto tilde). Non vedrai i caratteri quando li digiti, ma la sessione terminerà immediatamente.

$ ~.
$ Connection to closed.  

Da man 1 ssh

The supported escapes (assuming the default ‘~’) are:
 ~.      Disconnect.
 ~^Z     Background ssh.
 ~#      List forwarded connections.
 ~&      Background ssh at logout when waiting for forwarded 
         connection / X11 sessions to terminate.
 ~?      Display a list of escape characters.
 ~B      Send a BREAK to the remote system (only useful for SSH protocol
         version 2 and if the peer supports it).
 ~C      Open command line.  Currently this allows the addition of port 
         forwardings using the -L, -R and -D options (see above). It also
         allows the cancellation of existing remote port-forwardings using 
         -KR[bind_address:]port.  !command allows the user to execute a 
         local command if the PermitLocalCommand option is enabled in
         ssh_config(5).  Basic help is available, using the -h option.
 ~R      Request rekeying of the connection (only useful for SSH protocol 
         version 2 and if the peer supports it).

Basta premere Ctrl D e ti disconnetterà lì per tenere premuto ctrl e premere "d" finché la finestra non scompare.

Chiudi semplicemente PuTTY. (Alt +F4 per impostazione predefinita IIRC.)

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  4. Comando per elencare tutti i file tranne . (punto) e .. (punto punto)

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