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Elenco di query dei server per memoria/cpu allocata?

Eseguire RHEL 6.2, provare a scrivere uno script bash in SSH su un elenco di server remoti e scrivere le CPU e la memoria totale su un file, una riga per host nel seguente formato:


Ecco quello che ho finora, non funziona completamente, quello che sto correndo è la parte in cui gli SSH di sistema per eseguire cat /proc/cpuinfo e free .

Lo script bash sarebbe chiamato in questo modo:./ <DEST> <USER> <FILE>

Il file da cui legge gli elenchi di host è un file di nomi host composto da una riga per riga.


# username to connect via ssh
# destination path/filename to save results to
# source list of hostnames to read from

# Iterate through line items in FILE and
# execute ssh, if we connected successfully
# run proc/info and free to find memory/cpu alloc
# write it to DEST path/file
# if we don't connect successfully, write the hostname
# and "unable to connect to host" error to DEST path/file
for i in `cat $FILE`; do
  echo -n ".";
  CHK=`ssh -q -o "BatchMode yes" -o "ConnectTimeout 5" 
            -l $USER $i "echo success"`;
  if [ "success" = $CHK ] >/dev/null 2>&1
    `ssh -q -o "BatchMode yes" -o "ConnectTimeout 5" -l $USER $i "
        printf "$i    ";
        echo "`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | awk '{a++} END {print a}';
        free -g | sed -n -e '/^Mem:/s/^[^0-9]*([0-9]*) .*/1/p'`";" >> ${DEST}`;
    printf "${i}tUnable to connect to hostn" >> ${DEST};
# All line items have been gone through,
# show done, and exit out
echo ""
echo "Done!"
echo "Check the list 'checkssh_failure' for errors."
exit 0

Risposta accettata:

Ho appena modificato il tuo script :

# username to connect via ssh
# destination path/filename to save results to
# source list of hostnames to read from

[[ $# -ne 3 ]] && { echo -e "nUsage: $0  <User> <ServerList> <LogFile>n"; exit 1; };

func_ssh() {
    local Ipaddr=$1
    local Cmd="${@:2}"
    local LogIt=${DEST}
    ssh -q -o "BatchMode yes" -o "ConnectTimeout 5" -l $USER $Ipaddr "${Cmd}"
    [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && printf "${Ipaddr}tUnable to connect to hostn" >> ${LogIt}

GetTotalProcs="awk '/processor/{a++} END{print a}'  /proc/cpuinfo"
GetMemoryDetails="free -g | sed -n -e '/^Mem:/s/^[^0-9]*([0-9]*) .*/1/p'"

# Iterate through line items in FILE and
# execute ssh, if we connected successfully
# run proc/info and free to find memory/cpu alloc
# write it to DEST path/file
# if we dont connect successfully, write the hostname
# and "unable to connect to host" error to DEST path/file
for srv in $(< $FILE );
    echo -n "."
    A="$( func_ssh $srv $GetTotalProcs )"
    B="$( func_ssh $srv $GetMemoryDetails )"
    echo "${srv} CPU: ${A} MEMORY: ${B}" >> ${DEST}

# All line items have been gone through,
# show done, and exit out
echo ""
echo "Done!"
echo "Check the list 'checkssh_failure' for errors."
exit 0

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