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directory core dump configurabile per processo

No, non puoi impostarlo per processo. Il file core viene scaricato nella directory di lavoro corrente del processo o nella directory impostata in /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern se il pattern include una directory.

CoreDumpDirectory in apache è un hack, apache registra i gestori di segnale per tutti i segnali che causano un core dump e cambia la directory corrente nel suo gestore di segnale.

/* handle all varieties of core dumping signals */
static void sig_coredump(int sig)
    apr_filepath_set(ap_coredump_dir, pconf);
    apr_signal(sig, SIG_DFL);
    /* linuxthreads issue calling getpid() here:
     *   This comparison won't match if the crashing thread is
     *   some module's thread that runs in the parent process.
     *   The fallout, which is limited to linuxthreads:
     *   The special log message won't be written when such a
     *   thread in the parent causes the parent to crash.
    if (getpid() == parent_pid) {
        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE,
                     0, ap_server_conf,
                     "seg fault or similar nasty error detected "
                     "in the parent process");
        /* XXX we can probably add some rudimentary cleanup code here,
         * like getting rid of the pid file.  If any additional bad stuff
         * happens, we are protected from recursive errors taking down the
         * system since this function is no longer the signal handler   GLA
    kill(getpid(), sig);
    /* At this point we've got sig blocked, because we're still inside
     * the signal handler.  When we leave the signal handler it will
     * be unblocked, and we'll take the signal... and coredump or whatever
     * is appropriate for this particular Unix.  In addition the parent
     * will see the real signal we received -- whereas if we called
     * abort() here, the parent would only see SIGABRT.

  1. Nozioni di base sui segnali di Linux – Parte I

  2. Numero massimo di thread per processo in Linux?

  3. Come causare a livello di codice un core dump in C/C++

  4. Come imposto la directory di lavoro del processo genitore?

  5. creare una regola iptables per processo/servizio

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