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Ottieni lo script da eseguire di nuovo se l'input è Sì?

Sto mettendo insieme un semplice script di gestione dei file, funziona tutto bene tranne che alla fine, voglio che dica do you want to perform another action e se la risposta è yes quindi voglio che lo script ricominci di nuovo. So che ho bisogno di una sorta di loop qui? Ecco cosa ho:


echo "Select an option from copy , remove , rename , linking"
#read in user input into the action variable

read action

# if action is copy then continue proceed with the following
if [ $action = "copy" ]
echo "Please enter the filename you wish to copy"
read filename
# check if filename exists, if it doesn't then exit program
    if [ ! -e  $filename ] 
    echo "$filename does not exist"
    exit 1
echo "Please enter the new filename"
read filenamenew
cp $filename $filenamenew
echo "$filename has been copied to $filenamenew"

# if action is remove then continue proceed with the following
elif [ $action = "remove" ]
echo "Please enter the filename you wish to remove"
read filename
# check if filename exists, if it doesn't then exit program
    if [ ! -e  $filename ] 
    echo "$filename does not exist"
    exit 1
rm -rf $filename
echo "$filename has been deleted"

# if action is rename then continue proceed with the following
elif [ $action = "rename" ]
echo "Please enter the filename you wish to rename"
read filename
# check if filename exists, if it doesn't then exit program
    if [ ! -e  $filename ] 
    echo "$filename does not exist"
    exit 1
echo "Please enter the new filename"
read filenamenew
mv $filename $filenamenew
echo "$filename has been renamed to $filenamenew"

echo "Do you want to perform another file operation (yes/no) ?"
read answer

if [ $answer = yes ]
then "run script again"
exit 0
    elif [ $answer = no ]
    then echo "Exiting Program"
    exit 0

Risposta accettata:

prima dell'eco "Seleziona un'azione..."

while [ "$answer" = yes ]

alla fine, sostituisci

if [ $answer = yes ]
then "run script again"
exit 0
    elif [ $answer = no ]
    then echo "Exiting Program"
    exit 0


if [ "$answer" = yes ]
then "run script again"


echo "Exiting Program"
exit 0

quello che ho fatto è racchiudere il programma in un while [$condition ] do ; ... done .

Mi assicuro solo che la condizione fosse OK (answer=yes ) nel primo ciclo.

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