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Il tuo certificato SSL per nome host firmato cPanel gratuito

Problema: cPanel ha emesso un certificato SSL gratuito per il nome host del tuo server.
Stato: SSL verrà installato automaticamente oggi.
Chi è interessato? Clienti con un piano VPS/hosting dedicato.
You may have received an email from the cPanel team with a subject heading that follows: <em>Your Free cPanel-signed Hostname SSL Certificate</em>. Read further to learn about what this email means and how it affects you. </p> <h2>   What Does This Mean? </h2> <p>   cPanel has issued a free SSL meant to provide certification for the default hostname of your server. This means you and your child cPanel account users will no longer see the <a href="/support/website/ssl/self-signed-ssl-certificate-warning/">"Self-signed" SSL browser warning</a> when visiting cPanel or WHM. This is a convenient feature expected to eliminate confusion. </p> <p>   Here in the Support Center, you can <a href="/support/website/ssl/what-is-ssl-and-why-is-it-important/">learn more about SSL and why it is important</a>. </p> <h2>   What Do I Need to Do? </h2> <p>   No action is required on the part of any customers. This change will be applied automatically after receipt of the email notification. Quoted from the email: "Your free certificate will renew automatically, less than one week before its expiration date, at no cost to you." </p> <p>   If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to leave a comment below. 

  1. Come installare un certificato SSL di terze parti con cPanel

  2. Come installare un certificato SSL autofirmato in cPanel

  3. Let's Encrypt:ottieni un certificato SSL gratuito utilizzando Certbot

  4. Come generare una chiave e una CSR in cPanel per il tuo certificato SSL

  5. Come proteggere il nome host di Plesk sulla porta 8443 con il certificato SSL

Come generare CSR per SSL in cPanel?

Come installare SSL con caratteri jolly gratuiti in cPanel?

Come installare il certificato SSL/TLS gratuito Let's Encrypt sui tuoi domini con cPanel?

Installa certificato SSL gratuito in Plesk Panel

Come installare un certificato SSL su cPanel

Reimposta la tua password cPanel